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Friday, August 10, 2007

Ebook - 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Applications

This book from author Kenneth J. Ayala is designed as a main or supplementary text for learning about microprocessors or microcontrollers. It comes packaged with a customized disk containing an 8051 assembler and 8051 simulator. The focus is on programming the Intel 8051 microcontroller, one of the most common microprocessors used in controls or instrumentation applications using assembly code.

The third edition teaches current principles of computer architecture including simulation and programming, with new state-of-the-art integrated development software that is included at the back of the book. The writing style engages readers and renders even complex topics easy to absorb. Practical examples of assembly code instructions illustrate how these instructions function. Complex hardware and software application examples are also provided.

The 8051 Microcontroller book Highlights

  • Thorough coverage of binary number systems and binary mathematics is included, along with a tutorial on assembly language programming
  • Complete descriptions of 8051 internal architecture, timers, ports, and serial communications are given
  • Up-to-date chapters examine how to build and test a small 8051-based microcontroller system, as well as interfacing the system to switches, keypads, displays, and A/D-D/A converters
  • Questions and programming challenges are featured at the end of every chapter to underscore key points
  • Hallmarks retained from the Second Edition include coverage of the 8052, 8051 derivatives, and the 16-bit XA microcontroller, as well as a complete RAM map that includes all SFRs and bit addressable locations
  • Appendices explain how to use the back-of-book software, and include assembly code instructions, control registers, ASCII tables, and a summary of 8051 derivative products that are currently available.

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