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Saturday, January 12, 2008

FExplorer 1.17 Final For S60

FileExplorer lets you manipulate the files of your Nokia phone,you can use the cut/copy/paste functions through the directories, you can also send files via bluetooth or infrared. Other usefull functions are also available such as making or removing directories, keeping the light always on etc.

What's New

* using the open function from the menu on a directory enters into this directory.

* when entering in [processes] or [tasks] with the 'enter' key (joystick), the menu is updated with only [back].

* when in [processes] or [tasks], the '*' go to the root and the menu (option/exit) is now back.

* when using the up/down arrow to browse the files, if you use the shift (pencil), the current file is automatically marked

* the editor has been re-written, it's now possible to edit a text file and to save it back either in unicode or ascii.

* when applying attributes (hidden, read-only, ...) on a directory, you can choose to apply the changes on the selected directory only or the selected folder, subfolders and files.

* when changing attributes, a confirmation message is displayed prior to apply the changes.

* the confirmation message before exiting FE is removed and replace by a 'splashscreen' during the initialization time.

* shortcut '8' has been added to rename a file.

* it's now possible to choose with which installed application a file must be open ('open with...' function), this new settings is saved from one to another session of FExplorer, you can now choose your favorite MP3 player !.

* when a file is in used by the OS (locked), it's now possible to copy it.

* the setting files can now be placed everywhere (not only in the directory of FExplorer) even in an other 'drive', this allows to put FExplorer in EEPROM (for the siemens for example ...).

* it's now possible to set (in the settings) a password to enter in FExplorer, if this password is left blank, no password is required to run FExplorer, this password can have a length of 20 characters but it's not encrypted.

* in the settings, it's now possible to choose if the system and hidden files must be displayed or not (in one time).

* in the settings, it's now possible to choose between the 'true icon' associated with a file or some built-in icons (app/sounds/pictures), this increase drastically the display of content of a directory when there are a lot of files.

* in some new phones (like the 6680,...) the icons (of the files, tasks, processes ...) are not displayed correctly, this is fixed.

* The following keypad shortcuts are available:

( C ) Delete file

( 1 ) Copy

( 2 ) Show path

( 3 ) PageUp

( 4 ) Cut

( 6 ) Top of list

( 7 ) Paste

( 8 ) Rename

( 9 ) PageDown

( * ) Root dir

( 0 ) mark/unmark

( # ) File Properties

The [Options] menu contains settings and commands, so don't worry if you don't remember all the shortcuts the first time you use the software.

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